New Parental Issues

Are you an expectant or new parent? Congratulations! Among all the fun, from baby showers to decorating the nursery to bringing your little one home, it is important to plan for the future. Wills and powers of attorney are things that you will need to address. Meet Laroux Peoples – she is a mother to a toddler and a local lawyer whose practice is devoted to these very concerns. She will help you draft a comprehensive will that will take care of guardians for your children, and distribution of your property in a worst-case scenario. Wills are not something that enter into our minds every day, but whether you are an expectant parent or a new one, Laroux can help give you peace of mind and ensure that decisions about your children will be made the way you want if you are unable to speak for yourself. Being a mother herself, Laroux truly understands the importance of setting a future in stone for your child. You can contact her at 416-994-3474 or visit her website at!

Additionally, you can join us for the balafant Community Evening Social: Will-Planning Tips for New and Expectant Parents! Laroux will be speaking about tips for preparing to see a lawyer to do your wills and she will also be available to answer general questions. This is a great opportunity to meet and greet other parents in the area and gain some knowledge. The event will be held here at the boutique, 1360 Bathurst St, on Thursday February 26th 2015 at 8:00pm.


Now that you have your important legal affairs in order and you are ready for anything, it is also time to start thinking about adjusting your health to suit your pregnancy! This neighbourhood isn’t short on resources. Just as Laroux Peoples offers us a great local option for dealing with our legal needs, Spynga Yoga + Cycling Studio provides a space for healthy & energizing activities for anyone, including pregnant women!

Exercise & Nutrition

Check out Spynga’s selection of pregnancy, mama & baby friendly yoga & cycling classes on their website here. Prenatal yoga is a great exercise option during pregnancy, as it is low impact and allows you to learn breathing techniques that will be helpful in the birthing process! You also get the chance to build your strength and endurance and decrease your recovery time postpartum. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, especially while pregnant.

However, exercise is only one part of health. Pregnancy comes with unique health challenges, such as low milk supply during breastfeeding. A low milk supply is not uncommon, but it is important to speak with a doctor or lactation consultant if you suspect your supply may be low as this can put your baby at risk for malnutrition. These are just a few foods that you can consume to help increase your milk supply and ensure you and your baby stay happy & healthy during the bonding experience of breastfeeding.

It is imperative to stay hydrated, but especially when breastfeeding your child. Be sure to drink about 8 glasses of water each day. Staying hydrated helps to ensure that you will have an adequate amount of milk to suit your little one’s appetite. It may seem obvious, but it’s important to take extra notice during this time and ensure that you are keeping up with your hydration.

Oats, whether they’re hot oats or granola in yogurt, are not only good for helping with milk supply. They also aid with regulating blood pressures & cholesterol, so they’re great to eat at any time!

Try chowing down on carrots! This yummy snack requires little to no preparation time, and has a satisfying crunch. Better yet, it helps to increase your beta-carotene levels, which your body requires a lot of during lactation.

We hope that this blog helped to steer you in the right direction for solutions to unique issues that come up during the exciting time of pregnancy and new parenthood. Being prepared and healthy is sure to make the journey all the sweeter. We will be carrying on this conversation in an upcoming “New Parent Essentials” video series on our YouTube channel – stay tuned throughout January & February for our videos, and take part in our video contest! More info soon to come on our social media pages: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus & Instagram! Follow us to keep up with how to participate in the contest, and check out the videos for some great information on essential items every new parent can use to make life with a newborn easier.